All kinds of the weighing sacles and weight test you can find.

DTT 系列 標準型電子天平


USA.HZ 美國康州電子  DTT Series
精密型、標準型電子天平 DTT
Precision / Standard Balance DTT Series

DTT 是一款在性能價格比層面上引領同業同類產品的經濟型天平。
定位,同時兼具超高CP值的優勢 ———- 這就是DTT系列天平

Creative Appearance: The inspiration comes form precision balance.
The novelunique design will help you own more pricing power.
Stable Quality :Machine-made mainboard ensures the stability of quality which will
help you win the reputation. Low Price:It is economic electronic balance ,
but compact electronic scales price .

◆ LCD帶背光顯示  LCD with backlight
◆秤量穩定時間 ≤ 3秒   Response time in 3 seconds
◆全系列產品交直流兩用  Support AC-DC
◆設定物體秤量計數功能  Selectable weighing and count mode.
◆具有克、台兩、克拉、英鎊、磅等十四種單位  14 Unit available:g、tlt、ct、lb….
◆百分比秤重功能  Percentage weighing function.
◆模式鎖定功能  Mode lock function.
◆選配RS232通訊端口邊連接外圍設備  Optional fit with RS232 Line.
◆選配內置直流可充電功能 Optional fit with inner rechargeable DC battery.
◆選配外接顯示器功能  Optional fit with extra display.

HZ+HZK+HZY4 1 說明書